In the time since my last blog I have plateaued which has been tough. On the one hand I am being positive because I love the new me, and when people ask I comment on my plateau saying that I am in weight maintenance training. On the other hand I have had such a run that it is hard to think that my weight has now stopped falling off. Confessions though, have I been completely sugar free, the answer is no, several sweet treats a week have been popping into my diet. This I know is detrimental to me as I can never do 'just a little bit', and I am well aware that if I continue along this path just a little will become a daily practice once again.
Putting the numbers aside for a moment, I am super proud because my monthly challenge this month was climbing Mount Snowdon. Something which I booked on my own. However, the moment I told my colleagues they joined up too. In the end four of us drove to Wales and had a super time. We booked through Pavelka Health Revolution, which is Jessie Pavelka's company, so we also had the privilege of undertaking this challenge with him and his wonderful followers. It was fantastic to see him again, he was most surprised of my transformation and pleased that I had fallen in love with exercise. It's funny that most women fall at his knees because of his outer beauty. Not me, I am blinded by his inner beauty, I swear you can feel his authenticity and pure heart radiate. Such a wonderful man.

The climb it's self was hard, my muscles were burning. However, I just watched my feet and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other all the way. I didn't look round on the way up, I saved that for the way down. It really was a physical challenge, however I was pleased that my breathing held up. Part of the climb seemed like an eternal staircase as you had to climb boulders. The most pain I had was in the tops of my thighs. This is where I learnt why people use sticks. I ended up borrowing a colleagues for the last part and they really did save me. These will be my next purchase!! What did strike me was the amount of children and elderly making it look like a Sunday morning stroll. Makes me really reflect on how I have spent my life thus far. I know through work now I host many physical wellbeing sessions, however there is nothing like pushing yourself further and feeling proud of a challenge. What is more, when you surround yourself with people who are doing it with you it feels less of a fight and more fun.
So, my weight has flat lined but my fitness is still growing strength to strength. For that I am eternally grateful as my fitness levels certainly impact upon my overall physical health. I am saving myself each day from a life which would have been cut short, or at the very least drug filled to manage.