Somethings in life are just better done with others. Learning that we are not alone and share commonalities with others can give us new perspectives and hope. That is why, we love bringing people together, whether its for therapeutic support, or just good old friendship building. We have something for everyone, whether it's online, regular, or occasional.
If you want change, but don't know where to begin, join us for our Cup of Kindness sessions. This small group is lead by a member of our Therapeutic Team, who utilises a variety of therapeutic tools to help remove the mental barriers that hold us back. Each week is built around a different theme, from goal setting, to exploring boundaries, to learning about intrusive thoughts. Furthermore, Cup of Kindness wouldn't be the same if we didn't have our 'Fuck-It-Bucket' to off load our negatives from the past week, or share the moment where we share our 'Wellness Wins' celebrating moments of gratitude within our friendly, supportive group.
If you would like to join CoK come along to either our Wednesday @ 1pm or Saturday @ 11am session at the HAPPY Hub: Basildon. If you're not quite sure, why not come and just watch - that's okay too. For more information email therapy@motivated-minds.co.uk
Providing a space just for men, who generally deal with their thoughts and emotions differently from women is very important to us. With consultation from men who struggled with their mental health, we created a programme dedicated to men, called 'MEN'd'. The focus is on doing something constructive, such as bike building or fishing, creating a safe space to then have conversations around mental health, and how this impacts life and vice versa.
If you would like to join us, or find out more about our MEN'd programme please get in touch with us by emailing active@motivated-minds.co.uk
Getting out of the house and getting active is just what the Doctor ordered, but doing it with a group can certainly be more motivating and supportive. Our Walk Leaders, who are mental health trained are there to help everyone feel comfortable and get the conversations going. Not only will you improve your fitness, but also have the chance to make new friends, and explore ways to enhance your mental and physical health.
Currently, we run two sessions a week on a Monday & Thursday, departing from HAPPY Hub: Basildon at 12.45 - walking into and around the beautiful Gloucester Park. The walk last for approximately an hour, where you then have the option of returning to the hub for a well deserved cuppa.
Like to keep busy, but need to quiet the mind. Enter into a 'flow' state with us as we enjoy various crafting together. Suitable for all abilities, Iris and her helps will support your creative side, helping you produce your master piece. We might not be Picasso here, but we do have good conversation and lots of laughs as we make cards, colour in murals, transform old books into arty gifts, and get glitter and sparkly. Want to bring your knitting or a craft you love, why not. We are all learners here and enjoy learning about new things.
Held weekly, at HAPPY Hub: Basildon on Tuesday's at 1pm. Just turn up.
Customers love the HAPPY Hub and just wanted to organise a coffee afternoon to connect to others who might struggle with loneliness and/or small networks. This group runs itself and invites all to come and join and make new friends. Held, every Monday (apart from Bank Holidays) at 12pm - pop along and get involved.
Join us to stretch and breathe out the tensions we hold from the stresses, anxiety and speed of modern day life. Vikki uses her amassed knowledge and training to help you relax and let go. This session is great for newbies and well as experienced meditators. Ask the questions you can't ask an app, and we will show you how to make the most out of your meditative practice. Join us every Thursday from 11am at HAPPY Hub: Basildon.
01268 520 785 / admin@motivated-minds.co.uk
HAPPY Hub, Eastgate Shopping Centre, Basildon, Essex, England.
Motivated Minds Trading as Wellbeing 4 Life CIC. Company No.: 9423090 © 2020
VAT Reg. No. 337 7894 47