There’s nothing as scary as being in crisis. If you are feeling suicidal, experiencing thoughts of self-harm or are worried about your safety, please do reach out for help and support. Mental health problems often leaving us feeling like a burden, as though we’re helpless and worthless but we can absolutely assure you that you are not a burden, and that you are worthy and deserving of support. It might help to:
Regardless of what you choose above, it is important to understand you need ongoing support to move you into a better place, it is possible and you absolutely deserve support. So, please do get in touch with us or other service providers.
"There is hope, this is where I found it"
(HAPPY Hub: Basildon) - D.S. 2019
01268 520 785 / admin@motivated-minds.co.uk
HAPPY Hub, Eastgate Shopping Centre, Basildon, Essex, England.
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