A panic attack is slightly different to anxiety. People who experience panic attacks will find that they can come on suddenly and often for no apparent reason. They can feel very frightening – the physical symptoms can make you worry that you are having a heart attack and the emotions that you feel can be very intense.
What is the Grounding Technique?
This useful technique will help the sufferer come back into what we call the “here and now” and it will reduce feelings of anxiety and distress
First, find 5 things that you can see around you...
Look around and name 5 things that you can see right now.
Then, name 4 things that you can feel...
For example – I can feel my feet on the floor, my body sat in the chair, the sun on my face.
Keep going, now list 3 things that you can hear...
For example – a clock ticking, traffic outside, birds singing
Almost there, say 2 things that you can smell...
Think about 2 smells that you like – coffee, bread baking, or your favourite flower
Lastly, think of 1 thing that you can taste...
Some people will carry a bottle of water around with them so that they always have something to taste. If you don’t have this imagine that you are eating your favourite food right now. If you are still feeling the effects of the Panic Attack, describe the food or drink, how it tastes, it's texture, and maybe where you might find it.
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