With over 20 years experience working within a variety of educational settings, we pride ourselves on our ability to support our educational partners and the mental health and wellbeing of the next generation. Our positive education services have proven to:
Mental Health & Wellbeing Consultancy
We respect each schools' individuality and we want to help you develop your own positive mental health culture throughout your school, encompassing the curriculum, the children, their parents, and the staff.
We will work within you and with your staff team to understand, develop and then embed a programme of bespoke positive mental health adjustments through curriculum and the culture of the school. Giving your school the confidence in delivering the very best mental health and wellbeing solutions to both pupils and staff.
If you notice our language, we believe in focusing on the positive and keeping our message about creating a healthy and happy brain. It does not mean we discard mental ill health, it just means our message focuses on growth, rather than a fixed state of illness and non-achievement.
Consultancy is based on your needs. It starts with a no-obligation initial meeting to see what you have in place, a visit of the premises and to understand your vision. We will then put forward a proposal of short-term or longer term support and guidance.
If this interests you, please do call Carla on 07846 209 846 to discuss the first step. Alternatively, email thrive@motivated-minds.co.uk
One to One / Group Support
Firstly, for those greatest at need we offer counselling, Coaching, and, or, Mentoring interventions, and for staff the option of decompression sessions. These can be arranged both in school, online, or at one of our local locations.
Our experience of forming healthy, professional relationships contribute to a host of benefits including enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence, improved learning, attendance and attitude towards school. As well as improved behaviour, both at home and in school building stronger relationships with parents, teachers and peers.
Staff support sessions give the chance for staff to off load and learn techniques to support the barriers that they face either directly, or in-directly.
Wellbeing Programmes
Aimed to help young people with a range of social and emotional skills, which are the foundation to success within school, work and life. Each programme breaks down into small workshops that covers the roles of mindset, nutrition and /or physical health.
Motivated Minds has worked brilliantly with our students at Deanes School, helping with a range of personal issues from self-esteem to boosting social skills and attendance. Their very 'human' approach to our youngsters has made it feel like they have always worked here! The feedback from students has been so positive! Thanks very much.
Mrs L Fanning - The Deanes School 2015
To take the first step to enhance your school's mental health and wellbeing, email thrive@motivated-minds.co.uk and a member of our team will get back to you. Alternatively, please call us on 01268 520 785 and ask for Donna.
01268 520 785 / admin@motivated-minds.co.uk
HAPPY Hub, Eastgate Shopping Centre, Basildon, Essex, England.
Motivated Minds trades under Wellbeing 4 Life CIC. Company No.: 9423090 © 2020
VAT Reg. No. 337 7894 47