Mindfulness is something that many people may have heard about – it does seem to be the new buzzword. Mindfulness is simply about being “in the present moment”, living in the here and now if you like.
Essentially this means noticing what is happening for you right now – how you are feeling, what you are experiencing? So often we live our lives either in the past or in the future. We either can’t stop thinking about what has happened or we are worrying about what might happen. Either way we are missing out on what is happening right now.
People who practice mindfulness on a regular basis would say that they are better able to manage their emotions, they often say that they feel less stressed and less anxious. Practicing Mindfulness can help with your concentration levels and can improve your physical and mental health.
Listed below are some simple ways in which you can incorporate mindfulness activities into your everyday life. There are also Apps available such as Headspace and Calm – some come with a cost so check this out first – if you wish to investigate mindfulness further.
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