One to One Support

Empower your journey to a happier and healthier you.

Motivated Minds offers personalised one-to-one support, including counselling, coaching, and practical mental health services.

Assessments are free, with various signposting to our in-house and partner services. Our one to one services then start at just £20 per session. 

Wellness Coaching

Our wellness coaches want to help you get to where you want to go in life. This includes setting and achieving goals, navigating life changes, and finding a way to thrive instead of survive.

To start, we conduct a initial 'MOT' style session to assess what's going on in your life, and what you want to strive for, our coaches can then make recommendations and help you build a plan of action. For some people they can then go away and direct themselves on the changes that they want to achieve, maybe tapping into an occasional clarity call. Others prefer to explore and develop their chosen area and have the accountability and input from their Wellness Coach on a regular basis and empowering you to navigate the steps needed to improve your mental health and wellbeing, enabling you to pursue the future you want. We work in 6 sessional blocks, weekly or monthly, you decide. 

Alternatively, you may just fancy a one off session to gain clarity and insight on a certain situation to help you on your way. 

Our wellness coaches work with all ages, both face to face and remotely (phone, google meet, zoom and teams). 


Our counselling services are led by Dulcie, our Therapeutic Lead. All of our counsellors are BACP Registered. The team is split into two, child and adolescent counselling and adult counselling. Once referred you will be offered an initial assessment at a mutually convenient time. Once you have been assessed you will be added to the waiting list, waiting for a suitable counselling session that we can offer you. Our counselling sessions can be in person, online via Zoom or on the telephone. Each session will last for 50 minutes.

Confidential One to OneSupport

Our counselling services are led by Dulcie, our Therapeutic Lead. All of our counsellors are BACP Registered. The team is split into two, child and adolescent counselling and adult counselling. Once referred you will be offered an initial assessment at a mutually convenient time. Once you have been assessed you will be added to the waiting list, waiting for a suitable counselling session that we can offer you. Our counselling sessions can be in person, online via Zoom or on the telephone. Each session will last for 50 minutes.

Our counselling service is a little different to some organisations – we do not offer a set number of counselling sessions. You will have a regular review to ensure that counselling is still beneficial, but you will have as many sessions as your counsellor and you feel that you need. This gives you a chance to feel comfortable opening up to your counsellor so that you can work on the issues that brought you to counselling in the first place. Our counselling sessions are offered on a weekly basis, once you are assigned a counsellor you will stay with them until your counselling ends.

Counselling is a confidential space to explore your concerns with someone who is able to support you and help you to find a way forward. Counsellors don’t tell you what to do but will explore with you different ways in which you can cope with the challenges that you are currently facing.

 "I feel that over the time I've been with Motivated Minds there has been good growth, the services have got bigger and wider in the community, supporting many. This service has been a life saver to me and hope many more people get to hear about the services provided."

LR - 2021

01268 520 785 /

HAPPY Hub, Eastgate Shopping Centre, Basildon, Essex, England.

Motivated Minds Trading as Wellbeing 4 Life CIC. Company No.: 9423090 © 2024  

VAT Reg. No. 337  7894 47